Choosing the best eyeglass lenses depends on your individual needs and preferences, as well as your prescription and lifestyle. Here are some popular types of eyeglass lenses:

- Single-vision lenses: These lenses are suitable for people who have a single vision correction prescription for distance, intermediate or reading. They have one focal point and are the simplest type of lenses.
- Bifocal lenses: Bifocal lenses have two distinct viewing areas. The upper portion is for distance vision, and the lower part is for reading or close-up work.
- Trifocal lenses: Trifocal lenses have three distinct viewing areas, with the middle section designed for intermediate vision.
- Progressive lenses: Progressive lenses are also called no-line bifocals or multifocal lenses. They provide a gradual transition from distance to intermediate to near vision, without visible lines on the lens.